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Highway 111 repaving project in Palm Desert to begin Today

palm_desert-150x150A repaving project for the three miles of Highway 111 within Palm Desert will begin Monday, July 22, and is expected to last until October, with lane closures expected to trigger sometimes lengthy delays.

Periodic lane closures also will occur after the resurfacing for restriping and other finishing details. Drivers should consider Country Club and Frank Sinatra Drives or Interstate 10 as possible alternative routes. This project is designed to prevent more extensive and expensive repairs in season, when Highway 111 is more heavily traveled.

Palm Desert spokesman David Hermann said work will start on the city’s eastern border with Indian Wells and work its way west, with one lane open in each direction during construction hours as the work moves west toward Rancho Mirage.

Motorists can expect delays, and traffic will be reduced to one lane in both directions during the day. Lanes will reopen once the day’s work is done.  Additional periodic lane closures will be implemented for restriping and other finishing work, Hermann said.

The entire road will be resurfaced through a process called “cold-in-place recycling,” where existing asphalt is ground up, blended with asphalt oil and returned, then capped with two inches of hot-mix asphalt.

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