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The McCallum Trail

The McCallum Trail

The McCallum Trail to the McCallum Grove is a very nice hike on a well maintained trail. The McCallum Trail has numbered stops which describe the fan palms, San Andreas Fault, desert pupfish, and various geologic and ecologic features of the preserve. Taking the McCallum Trail from the Visitor Center is about a two-mile round-trip hike, and if you want you can also hike the Moon Canyon Trail which will bring your hike up to over four miles.

When you leave the visitor’s center you will pass through the lush vegetation of Thousand Palms Oasis. Most of the trail in the oasis is on a well maintained raised wooden path above a marshy bottom. There are several ponds in this part of the trail with desert pupfish and other wildlife. After leaving the oasis the trail winds through a sandy wash before reaching McCallum Grove. While the trail is not very strenuous, hiking in the sandy wash can be a little harder.

The McCallum Trail

McCallum Trail is a 1.5 mile out and back trail located near Thousand Palms, CA. The trail is primarily used for hiking and walking.  The Hike is Easy and enjoyable for all ages. Takes you through the Thousand Palms Oasis and out to McCallum Pond.

At the McCallum Grove there is a large pond which is fed by underground springs which are a result of seismic activity along the San Andreas fault. This is a very beautiful lush area, and once again you will see pupfish and other wildlife in the area.

For more information on the Coachella Valley Preserve please visit their website.

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